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  • #23002 Likes: 0
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    Hi friends,

    Some of you may know that i love to make music, which is a really nice hobby. Now i managed in my old days to get a single out. Professionally. With a record label, contract and own official video.

    The whole thing is produced and managed by my good friend David Wide. Years ago he gave me musical accompaniment to one of my games. And is now very well known internationally. We stayed in loose contact. And at some point we talked about that I also make music …

    Thanks David. You made a big dream come true for me 🙂

    First we wanted to use my old nickname Tiles as my artists name. But then Facebook insisted that a name needs also a forename. And then we stumbled across another musician called Tiles. So as a musician I’m now CP T Tiles ^^

    The official video at Youtube can be found here. The song itself should also be available at big music platforms like Spotify soon.



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    #23686 Likes: 0
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    The background music is awsome Reiner!!

    As some friend, i’m gonna give some constructive advice to help you better. This because i have notice at some moment in the song, it seem to slope (please dont take it bad). What i like is that the words is very clear, i have heard songs that the words was unclear. Example of different words (stay – slay – lay), so making peoples understand clear the words is thumbs up.

    Me it’s a long time ago that i did not sing. My teacher had show me a way to practice my vocals. Its good to practice the vowels, because in words they have a lot of (a-e-i-o-u…). So an exercice that i teach you also, that have been teach to me about vowels. You simply prononce the “linked letters” in a same breath (a-e-i-o-u…), but you put it in the tone of the musical note “DO”. After you do the same: (a-e-i-o-u….) on the tone of “RE”. Then in the tone of “MI”, after “FA”; and so on. Like if you would sing (I-and-You), you hear the vowels (i-u) there are linked. Also singing the letters on different level of notes, practice yourself to sing bottom notes or high notes; and between. You can also practice to simply say the letter “A” starting from a low pitch to a high pitch. Then from a high pitch to a low pitch. And so on….

    An other tip for you Reiner is to release the muscles of your face, it might seem stupid this tip but it help and do no harm. For relaxing your face, you simply do some ugly face of you opening wide your mouth, stretching out your tongue, stretching your cheeks; like if you would want to scare some people in front of you. This will make the muscles of your face stretch, i know it seem silly but it’s true. Just think when you simply eat food, what you do? You stretch the muscle of your mouth, stretch your cheeks and your tongue. Doing the very ugly face help relaxe these muscles.

    Very long time ago i have created and composed a song, my voice has matured because i was very young. It’s a song in french that i have writen and composed, for a girl that was a friend when i have gone in primary school. We where just friends, she loved a young guy; and one day she was so sad because of him, she have put an end to her life. It has shocked me, because i liked her very much.

    If you want, here is this (french song) that you can listen online; when i was very young:


    I dont sing much into, only the repeating part of the song. The rest i say the story of the song. The music is simply some piano notes that i have recorder from sound online. Then with free audio softwares i could (speed up the playing) of the note, wich resulted in a high note. Played the sond very slow, this make the sound note get lower. Like if you would play some vinyl disc record at high speed or slow speed. Then with audio free softwares that i could add before and after some sound, to extend the music length helped me. After play the music and put more notes into, like putting some different levels (layers of music). Have took me a lot of time, not having much ressources.


    #23687 Likes: 0
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    Well, i have just this voice available. But thanks for your advice 🙂

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    #23688 Likes: 0
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    No problem Reiner. You sing better than me, i have not pratice for such a long time. The last time i remember i was singing in front of near 75 peoples on a stage in a church that was rented. It was for a good cause, to rise some funds for some organism.

    The song i had sing was based on the same music of a song called (Trois petit coups “author: Johnny Farago”). But it was the same music theme but my own words. About the song…. Well you know in life, there are peoples that complain of noise because neighbour. So i have think to create a song with my own words. But….

    The song was about a guy that complaining, because the neighbour was making love too loud. (That was my song subject). With the same music of (Trois petits coups). You can easy imagine, near 75 peoples in the audience hearing me sing the song of my self complaining; because the neighbour are too much noisy when they make love. Complaining because they bang there bed on my wall.

    There was me singning, a drummer; and a player on a synthesizer electronic piano. When my sing was finished, there was 3 peoples that aborded my self; saying that they loved the french song i composed. Because it’s rare you hear a song of a guy that complaining because the neighbour make love too loud. They have found my song very funny, telling me it have givin them a smile. Also told me they found that my composition was real refreshing, because of all the funny words. They could easy visualize mentally the words i sing. Bringing them laugh and smiles.

    If i would be much much available, i would like to have a musician friend as yourself. Because there are songs, i could write the words of sad moments in my life. This to help me release some suffering of the past. I found singning when you have something on your heart, like a release of the heart as magic.

    Maybe i could write some words, that you could sing for me. Like on some compact audio cd, you see the name of the author of the song, the name of the signer; and names of the compositors-producers. Songs about things i have lived, and songs about things that peoples lived.


    #23689 Likes: 0
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    Just sing by yourself. That’s the most fun 🙂

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