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  • #25802 Likes: 0
    • Posts 13

    I notice that in 3 versions of BFA, a selected face is light orange/pink in edit mode (as per the Blender default). In version 4 it seems that a selected face is more or less the same grey colour as other faces, although with a white outline (this is in solid mode). Has something changed or do you think I have inadvertently changed a setting somewhere? This seems to happen even if I load the factory default preferences rather than using my settings from earlier versions and in any selected theme.

    #25804 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Uh, nice, i think you found a bug 🙂

    Many thanks for the report. Made it a task


    Kind regards


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    #25841 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Will be fixed soon.


    #25842 Likes: 0
    • Posts 13

    I noticed it works correctly on the Blender Light theme, but not on any other, and that is how I was getting round the problem temporarily. A proper fix will be welcome; it is a very basic function.

    #25843 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Many thanks for the check. I still wait for the fix to be commited. And hope that the next Devbuild will include it then.

    We even still think about if a point release makes sense. But that’s something that still needs to be decided.

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #25844 Likes: 1
    • Posts 13

    I am merely a humble user and have endless admiration for what you and your colleagues have achieved, but this is a major gaffe and in my opinion needs to be fixed at the first opportunity. It is an issue of how much people can trust BFA as a viable branch as well as the loss of utility of a basic function. Just, as I say, my lowly opinion, but it did make me wonder if there are other problems and whether I should return to the main Blender build (I haven’t, of course).

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    #25845 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Next point release with the fix for this problem is at its way 🙂

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #25846 Likes: 1
    • Posts 13

    Great. Thanks for keeping me posted and please keep up the good work – all of you.

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