Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14439 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    I have started to do some assets for a bigger scene. I need a snailhouse. So i started some experiments with the Add Curve Extra Objects addon and its spirals. I ended in using a spiral with spherical falloff. I am not fully satisfied. But there is not enough control over the falloff. So that’s the closest i could get.

    The result is attached.

    Now follows retopology since the created snailhouse has self intersecting geometry.

    #19473 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Looks great. – It´s good to see, that you are also using Bforartists from time to time and not only work on the code.^^

    #19474 Likes: 0
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    Yeah, it’s a good feeling to be back at the art front :)

    EDIT, i noticed that i forgot to set the attachment to visible. The scene is attached too. So that folks can have a look at how it is done.

    #19475 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,216

    Nice. I’m curious to see how you’ll do the retopology.



    #19476 Likes: 0
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    Normally i would load it into ZBrush or 3D Coat. They both have a autopo / Remesher. Which would be good enough. But here i am at the good old manual method since there is no automated method in Blender/Bforartists. Poly by poly …

    #19477 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    This should be fairly simple to do with the “shrink wrap” method. – Or give retopo flow a try for more comfort.

    If you are looking for a freeware automatic retoloplogy workflow, check out “meshmixer” and “instant meshes”. – Depending on what you want to do with the mesh, this might save some time. It is definetely a way to make the model 3d printable. If you need to create texture coordinates for it though, manual retopology would be better anyway to achieve clean edge loops to split along.

    I gave it a quick try. Export from BfA to Meshmixer > Make Solid > Export to Instant Meshes > Retopology > and back to BfA in two minutes.^^

    There is only a small damage at the bottom of the snailhouse, that should be fixed in the original mesh before the procedure.

    #19478 Likes: 0
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    Yeah, external tools would do the job for sure. I have ZBrush, 3D Coat, Meshmixer, etc. . But this project is to test Bforartists, not Meshmixer :)

    #19479 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    I understand.;) Anyway, once solid the shell 3d prints without a problem. – It´s actually a quite realistic shape.

    #19480 Likes: 0
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    Cute =3

    #19481 Likes: 0
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    You printed it out!? Wow!!!!


    #19482 Likes: 0
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    Here comes the retopologized quad mesh. On with mapping …

    #19483 Likes: 0
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    Instant Meshes is a great system. And it’s paper is opensource, could technically be integrated with some good math genius. You do have some good control in a way there.

    But yes, I find Blender can be good with Bmesh grease pencil drawing tools, the F2 fill addon, Retopo Flow addon, the shrink map method, and the Remesh modifiers are.. all tools that potentially could be good. My favorite is the Bmesh grease pencil retopoworkflow. Though.. I haven’t done it heavily. 



    #19484 Likes: 0
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    Ah, should have known about the F2 addon before retopo. Would have saved me quite a few clicks. Thanks for the tip :)

    I think about to activate it by default, and add a menu entry for it.

    #19496 Likes: 0
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    Unwrapped with first texture and material tests. Still a long way to go …

    #19500 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,216

    I’m glad you are adding this by default. I use this all the time.


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