Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #19565 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Got it. I managed to have a emit object with a negative scale. And then apply rotation and scale breaks the particle system since the orientation points now inwards. Let’s have a look if i can repair this. File is also attached.

    EDIT, hmm, narp. I guess i will just not apply scale here. Draise, could you have a look? Maybe you have an idea.



    #19566 Likes: 0
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    Made a new emitter object. Problem solved.

    #19567 Likes: 0
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    Current state.

    Getting mad with the displace modifier. Every time i turn around the displacement maps are mixed up again. Appending makes big fun here … -.-

    #19568 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    It´s starting to get there, but it is lacking a story of some kind. Maybe the snail finds an interesting object to investigate? Or a second snail?

    Are you using the microdisplacement feature? That could give a more three dimensional structure to the tree, rocks and ground than the normal displacement.

    #19569 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Good hint. I’ll have a look :)

    Story … i start to run out of time ^^

    #19570 Likes: 0
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    And the final version. I would say our next splash screen is ready ^^

    Microdisplacement at the ground. Filmic. Mist. Some changes at the snail materials. And a few final tweaks like leveling in Gimp.

    Thanks for the tips :)


    #19571 Likes: 0
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    I wasn’t happy with some details. Snailhouse is now brown. Fits better. The displacement at the ground was too strong. And the image is overall a bit more colorful and a tad bit darker now.

    #19573 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    Nice, all the individual elements look great. – What it is still lacking in my opinion though is some more pronounced lighting and a better composition. Right now the mushrooms, the moss and the snail are all the same size on the image (if you blur your eyes), while the immediate foreground is quite empty. That makes the composition a bit unbalanced in my eyes. – If you google for “snail mushroom” there are lots of inspirational images that might help to still improve the image in regards to lighting and composition…;)

    #19574 Likes: 0
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    Yes, i know  there is still room for lots of improvements. Snailslime, more assets, a better compositing and lighting, and and and. If i just had more time … ^^

    #19575 Likes: 0
    • Posts 295

    I don´t think it needs more elements, just a more compact and focused shot of what you have in the scene already. – A lower camera for instance, on eye height with the snail, maybe the snail a bit closer to the mushrooms and stronger DOF to focus the view onto one or two elements only in the image, while keeping the rest of the elements only as suggestion of the forrest. – Just some thoughts, in case you still want to work on it a bit further. ;)

    #19576 Likes: 0
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    I am through. Feel free to create an improved version. The important part is done. We have quite a few more issues in the tracker now ^^

    #19582 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,216

    Good effort. I haven’t done any macro work before – it’s a tricky business!


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