Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #24207 Likes: 0
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    I don’t know if its outside of the scope of what developers can do but, when creating materials most people or i dont bother to interact with blenders color ramp much because its so bland and uninspiring, so they never discover the power of color gradients…    On the contrary another art program i use Ultra Fractal has a great and intuitive color ramp which even has random generation which makes it easy to browse through limitless combinations of color gradients.

    Imagine if Blender’s color ramp had an expansion button that turned it into something like Ultra Fractals.

    Blender color ramp


    ultra fractal color ramp

    #24208 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Hi sonofhendrix,

    Looks definitely very cool. But that’s behind the scope of what we can do here, sorry. This would be a rewrite of the feature.

    You could suggest it at Right Click Select. Maybe this idea gets some attention from the Blender developers 🙂


    Kind regards



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