Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14223 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Like in most Autodesk apps, the widget has a square between arrows that works only on two planes, say XY, or XZ, or ZY, etc. 

    Currently you have to hit Shift+the axis you don’t want, really cumbersome or use the transform panel (utterly useless with locked axis in rigs with linked in proxies). 

    Maybe adding axis colours to the transform panel and locks to aid in that? 

    Reference: http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/41848/moving-an-object-along-two-axes-instead-of-one


    #16196 Likes: 0
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    I think maybe it would be best to change the shortcut that affects the widget axis to directly affect the axis lock with a toggle.. So that I don’t have to repeatedly do G+Shift+Axis I don’t want, then repeat when move again.  

    (I am basing it off Blender default, as I have not learnt the new move shortcut)


    #16206 Likes: 0
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    Looks interesting. But is unfortunately behind the scope of what i am able and willing to do. I have already now a man power problem. To change core features too would kill me.

    The feature itself would be of course welcome. But i fear you would have to bring me a programmer or a patch here ^^

    #16213 Likes: 0
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    There is a widgets branch in development actually, found it, but yeah, I understand you’re working one step at a time.. must be daunting. 


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