Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14233 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    I just discovered this project today from a beta I’m part of.  Searchign for more information on BforArtists I came across the blender forum where you wee asking for help.  The responses you received were typical of the community it seems.  Over the years I’ve mentioned the issues with the user interface, only to have my posts shot down by a very vocal user base that doesn’t acknowledge that there might be a better way for some artists.

    I wish you all the best and hope that with your current release, people will start to take notice.  I’d love for this project to get some traction within the larger cg community.

    #16534 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Many thanks for your kind words :)

    Yes, it was typical. And the reason why i am not longer part of this “community”. It’s a shame how a whole community can be ruled by a few trolls there …

    #16535 Likes: 0
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    Its zealotry to the nth degree.  They like the program as it is and can’t imagine any way to improve it.

    I’ve downloaded and played around with BforArtists.  Honestly, this is the first time I felt I could sit down and use Blender without switching to the 3dsmax preset.  I always felt that Blender had the potential to take over the industry if only the devs could get out of their own way.  Your fork may end up doing that.

    I don’t know if you are working on this on your own, or if you have a team helping you, but you should be comended.  I’m definately going to be letting the people I work with know about this release.

    Please keep up the great work!


    #16536 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Totally for you and your efforts too. =)


    #16537 Likes: 0
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    Thanks :)

    Bforartists has had some helping hands here and there. But the main work is done by me. And currently i am alone. So when you know some helpful folks, send them over. Every help is welcome :)

    #16938 Likes: 0
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    This is pretty awesome. For years and years I could never get into Blender. As soon as I would install and launch it I would get a bad feeling “Is this really how I want to use my spare time”. I Can’t put my finger on why exactly but it just wasn’t working for me. Had to uninstall.

    But with Bforartists I’m no longer experiencing the same “dread effect”. It looks clean and professional. It is almost a pleasure to finally figure out how to use it. Maybe now I’ll get something out of Blender after all. Well done sir!yes

    #16939 Likes: 0
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    Thanks :)

    #18553 Likes: 0
    • Posts 2

    I hate ‘me too’ posts but I gotta chime in on this…thanks a big bunch for creating this fork of Blender.

    I’ve used Blender privately and professionally for many years and love/hate it.  I don’t use it often enough that the shortcuts come easily to my memory so I have a cheat sheet on the corner of my monitor and I depend on using the menus.  I believe that many Blender-evangelists use little else; the hot-keys now being second nature.  I’ve found that many Blender fans display the same outlook as Linux users in that they treat the steep learning curve as a rite of passage and look down on those who haven’t climbed it.  They don’t seem to realize that making it easier to use, brings more folks into the fold and increases it’s userbase, support, and presence in the 3D world. 


    #18554 Likes: 0
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    You’re welcome :)

    I think equal, that’s why i have started the fork. I hope it is of use for you :)

    Kind regards


    #18555 Likes: 0
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      Blender has been embraced by the science community due to it’s open nature and capability. 

    http://arc-team-open-research.blogspot.ca/   (search for ‘Taung’)  demonstrates the reconstruction of an ancient fossil from high resolution CT scans.  Other similar projects allow students or other interested folks to download these scans and work on them in their spare time.  Some courses give credit for participating in these projects.  One constant complaint I see in the feedback is that Blender can be a bear to learn.  I’ll be posting a link to this site to hopefully make it easier for people to take part. 

    #18556 Likes: 0
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    Yes i know about the scientic useage of Blender. Even one of our team members has used it in a project at his university.

    And yes, please post the link. Every promotion is welcome. Even when i fear that they will not use it. The problem is that we are a team of hobbyists. And the Blender Institute is something official. And then it doesn’t count what is better to use. But who has the better reputation :)

    #18710 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1

    Hi Bforartists,

    Thanks for this. I think that in  http://join.utopian.io/ you could get a good push to develop this idea. I am in the Steemit comunity and I know you could get some financial help and maybe more help of developers interested in this. Utopian is a new open source economy project, is part of Steemit comunity.  I am not a developer but I love 3D and I like your project, and I can help you making tutorials in spanish and bug reports through Utopian and Steemit.

    See next video for more info.




    #18712 Likes: 0
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    Hi fanisk,

    You’re welcome :)

    Thanks for the link and the offer. Promotion is always welcome. And tutorials even more :)

    Regarding financial help, Bforartists is a non profit project. Unlike Blender we don’t make a living of it. We don’t collect money in any form. My server is running anyways. So there are no bills to pay. It’s all free, non-commercial, and volunteer based. In the real spirit of free open source software.

    You can of course for example start a crowdfund campaign to hire a capable developer (not so easy to find) that implements what you need. But this crowdfunding must happen outside of Bforartists. And the task has to fit into the Bforartists concept. So you better ask beforehand :)

    Kind regards


    #19937 Likes: 0
    • Posts 10

    Every few years or so I would try to start learing Blender, never got very far.

    My requirement for CAD is to make a box without reading manuals, doing training or watching videos.

    Blender gives no clues how to do this, in seconds in bfora I had cubes and cylinders, in twenty minutes I had a Steampunk double hull Zeppelin model.

    I tried to do this in my prefered CAD program FreeCAD which I have been using for years, I could not do it.

    Overnight I compiled the latest source for the build deps and then bfora 1.0, I now have bfora 1.0 on my Linux box.

    Apart from the long build and compile times nothing went wrong, whew.

    A very big thank you from a new fan from downunder.

    Are you going to make a Raspberry Pi version?

    Kids need this easy to use UI.




    #19938 Likes: 0
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    This is great to hear :)

    We don’t have the manpower to support every platform, unfortunately. We have currently just binaries for two platforms available. Windows and Mac. With an older and outdated Linux version in addition.

    Blender runs fine at Raspberry Pi. So Bforartists should also work. You “just” need to compile it. But i have never tried it, i don’t have a raspberry pi, sorry :)

    Here’s a tutorial how to get Blender running at a raspi. Should also work for Bforartists. https://p.xuv.be/how-to-get-the-latest-blender-running-on-a-pi

    Kind regards 


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