Unleash the power of 3D
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  • #14638 Likes: 0
    Narayan Aras
    • Posts 2


    b4a is not only a fork of Blender, but it intends to port all future changes in Blender.

    Thus, its main appeal would be for the Blender users who want an even better GUI.

    Given this, it is critical for the b4a team to be specific about how exactly the b4a GUI is better as compared to Blender GUI.

    The YouTube videos cannot list all changes. The User Manual is the best place to point out all changes.

    This can be done in the running text itself (rather than in a giant table)

    Note that I am not talking about cases where only an icon is changed.

    (Such visual changes are obvious to the user, and the UM cannot explain this any further.)


    #20751 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hi Narayan,

    Thanks for the suggestion. The idea is nice. But i fear it would kill us to explicitely list all differences. Also please keep in mind that Bforartists 2 is not done yet. We are still in Alpha state. I have no idea how far we can push it. This happens at a case by case decision. And you would also permanently need to update such a comparison table with every new Blender and Bforartistst change. The workload would be immense. We simply don’t have the man power for this.

    I promise to have a look to make a BFA2 video that goes a bit more indepth than the BFA1 comparison video once BFA2 is finished :)

    Kind regards


    #20752 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    I was thinking about this the other day. Usually the key question users ask me is “Why BFA and not Blender?”. I have like a memorized single paragraph to sell it, but yeah, a quick comparison document or chapter might make sense. I think it could stick to just really design philosophy as a difference, not really specifics – then in that case it would be easier to maintain or do.

    I was just cooking it in my mind this week, weird to see you comment on it at the same time. But yes, as Reiner says, man power and time to do things is very much volunteer based and… I usually find myself scrambling for paid work to pay the bills before I can do anything on BFA, as much as I would love to.

    Though, drafting ideas, no harm in that.


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