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  • #14528 Likes: 0
    • Posts 8

    hellooo guuuys im new to the world of animation devil

    i use bforartists because its easy to use instead of that hotkey blender crap. so my problem is. i work on an female character and i have riged her with rigify. i set the bones like in the tutorials, than i click on “generate rig” and than the rig is messed up? why? and even when i select my mesh and than the rig with “parenting-automatic keying” it didnt work. the rig that i set properly is smaller and wider and my character doesnt move at all.

    i tried everything! can someone rig it for me and send me back please? the bones are already set. and/or tell me what im doing wrong…

    download it: https://www12.zippyshare.com/v/jMuDAKeH/file.html

    attention: the girl is nude haha cheeky yes

    #20223 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hey Lil-James,

    This is a known problem with automatic weights also in Blender, which we rely at. Sometimes it simply fails. Two possible causes are known.

    The mesh is separated into more than one loose meshpart. 

    The mesh has a geometry problem like non manifold faces or double vertices.

    Seems that you found a third case. I had a look at it, but am also lost what the exact problem here is :/

    The first thing that i noticed is that you haven’t applied rotation and scale to the mesh, which you should before rigging. Then i went into Edit mode, and performed a Remove Doubles to get rid of possible geometry problems. Bforartists found one double vertice. But this can also be a follow up by applying scale and rotation. I also checked for more than one loose meshpart. All is fine. And so i am lost.

    What works is to parent with envelope weights. You have to fix the weighting manually then, bone by bone. You might want to adjust the envelopes before parenting. They are not fitting here and there at the moment …

    #20224 Likes: 0
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    Thank you for the very fast answer! 

    Okay so instead of automatic weights i must use envelope weights ? Is there a tutorial somewhere?

    And which envelopes i must adjust before parenting? Of the mesh or metarig? You mean the rotation and scale or something other with “envelopes” ? Im really new to this.

    #20225 Likes: 0
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    You don’t have to use it. It’s just one possible solution to the problem, to parent with envelopes instead of automatic weights.

    Hm, it must be the mesh. I just tried a single bone, and failed in the same way. I just have no idea what the problem is.

    As for tutorials, i fear i have to point to Blender tutorials here. We don’t have explicit rigging tutorials yet. But the process is the same than for parenting with automatic weights. Just that you use With Envelope Weights instead.

    Select Mesh, hold down Shift, select Armature, press hotkey CTRL P (or choose parent in the Relations tab in the Tool Shelf), and choose the method that you want to use for parenting. 

    #20226 Likes: 0
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    Have found the cause. Or better said a fix. Scale mesh and armature ten times bigger, and the weighting with automatic weights will work. I had some deformations afterwards, but this was most probably because i haven’t applied scale after scaling everything bigger.

    This is most probably a precision problem. Very odd. I have never seen this before …

    #20227 Likes: 0
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    Cool! I try it later! Thank you very much!

    #20228 Likes: 0
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    Ah yes…. I have had this isse more often than not. Apply Scale on everything before doing any weighting is a must and set your scene units to keep them in mind. 


    #20230 Likes: 0
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    finally it worked! thats cool but now we have another problem. as you said. even after i set the scale and rotations, the legs are messed up after i parenting it with automatic weights. the calves got an strange shape. can it help when i change the rotation of the bones or somethin?

    and parts like shoulders and legs are stretching and have strange shapes after i move them. where i can set this weightmap-thing in bforartists?

    #20231 Likes: 0
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    Hm, hard to say. Have you applied rotation and scale, and have you set the right scene units?

    #20232 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    Ah, rigify, I’ve had this issue. Sometimes the bones are set inversely concerning their role when it’s generated.

    1. Go into the armature edit mode.
    2. Select the trouble bone
    3. Under the heeader, go to Armature>Recalculate Roll
    4. Choose one, like Local+X

    Then after that, edit the weights if you need to.

    1. To do that, first go into the Armature pose mode
    2. Then select the trouble bone
    3. Then select the mesh with the armarture skin weights
    4. Go to Weight paint mode
    5. Now the weight of that bone will show.
    6. Now with that, use the weight painting tools in the toolshelf to smooth it out, make it smaller or larger, etc. There are some great icon tools like “Smooth” and “Limit” and others that really help.

    Sometime the upvector of a knee/shoulder/elbow constraint also won’t inverse in generation from rigify, so if after the above doesn’t work – check the rig constraints and drivers on the troubled bone. 




    #20233 Likes: 0
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    i tried every boneroll you can imagine. nothing works. after the parenting with automatic weights it still spin the calves inside… what the hell?

    #20234 Likes: 0
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    I know why i hate rigify. When i played with it i had nothing than trouble ^^

    My problem here is that it’s hard to guess what part went wrong in your process. I’ll have a look if i find some time tomorrow. Maybe i can reproduce the problem. But no promises.

    #20235 Likes: 0
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    here my actual rigging state.

    I think it is something wrong with the shine.L and shine.R bones. i changed a little bit the hip bones and after that the calves are a little bit better but the problem is still there.

    maybe is difficult because the character is a 3d scanned character from real-life. there are more assymetries. thats why it not worked to rig it with that mirroring thing.

    #20236 Likes: 0
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    Hm. First i did a skinning to see the problem that you mention. No problem to see. Besides the fact that the bones points in wrong directions here and there.

    So from scratch. In Edit Mode i selected the leg bones and did a recalculate bone roll Y positive, followed by a recalculate roll Z positive at the two toe bones. Then i skinned the rig. And i have again no problems at all. No deformations in rest pose. And also no trouble with posing. So we run into what i have feared. I cannot reproduce your problem.

    What is indeed a bit difficult here is that the mesh is not symmetrical. So you might want to fine adjust the bone roll manually for the trouble bones, bone by bone. Best before you skin the mesh.

    Hint, tick X Ray to see the bones in font of the mesh.

    Hint, you can select more than one bone at once to do the recalculate bone roll.

    Hope that helps a bit.


    #20237 Likes: 0
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    Ah, forgot to mention that after fixing the bone roll/recalculated roll – you gotta reskin it. 


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