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  • #24118 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    First, I want to thank you for your efforts in creating a more sensible interface for casual 3D enthusiasts like myself. Much appreciated.

    I am going to present a series of screenshots that should illustrate the problem.

    the TXA Landscape panel displays normally

    The TXA Landscape panel displays normally(above).

    After hitting the “Landscape” button, a terrain mesh is added and throws the displayed error (above).

    After selecting one of the available “Preferred Material” presets (in this case, Alpine) this error is displayed (above).

    Rendering produces the result displayed above.

    Here are my specs…


    = Blender 3.1.0 Alpha System Information =




    version: 3.1.0 Alpha, branch: Unknown, commit date: Unknown Unknown, hash: Unknown, type: Unknown

    build date: Unknown, Unknown

    platform: ‘Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0’

    binary path: ‘C:\\Program Files\\Bforartists 3\\3.0.0\\bforartists.exe’

    build cflags: Unknown

    build cxxflags: Unknown

    build linkflags: Unknown

    build system: Unknown




    version: 3.9.7 (default, Oct 11 2021, 19:31:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]

    Python (External Binary):



    binary path: ‘C:\\Program Files\\Bforartists 3\\3.0.0\\3.1\\python\\bin\\python.EXE’

    version: Python 3.9.7




    renderer:             ‘NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060/PCIe/SSE2’

    vendor:                ‘NVIDIA Corporation’

    version: ‘4.5.0 NVIDIA 496.76’



    Processor    AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor                3.59 GHz

    Installed RAM    32.0 GB

    Windows 11 Pro  64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    #24121 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727


    Thanks for the report. It seems that you found one of the rare cases where a Blender addon is not compatible with Bforartists. I was able to reproduce the problem. But am completely lost with what the problem could be. This is best asked the addon developer.

    Would you be so kind to make a bug report to the addon? 🙂


    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #24122 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    OK, but here’s the problem. I don’t get these errors in standard Blender 3.0. In Blender 3.0 the addon works as expected, with no errors and with impressive results. Please refer to the below image that I just created a few minutes ago in Blender 3.0.

    Normal, error-free results in Blender 3.0, and unusable, error-filled results in bforartists suggest that the issue is more likely to be in the bforartists application and less likely to be in the addon. Unless there is some extra hidden wizardry in Blender 3.0 or the addon that we are not aware of and haven’t controlled for. And you are the expert programmer, not me. So, the resolution to this mystery is going to guided by your experience not mine.

    Not essential for me, but I do like to use bforartists for outdoor scenes.


    Do you still think this is a bug I should report via github?

    #24123 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Yes i know that the addon works fine in Blender. Yes this nags me too. It should work. We have in the end the same code than Blender, yet it fails. And yes i still think it is a good idea to nevertheless report it to the addon developer.

    We simply have not the manpower to maintain addons too. And i had already a look at the problem. And am lost with it. This addon is huge. The error message leads to nirvana. And chances are that the addon developer knows what is going on here where i simply have no idea what even the problem is. It is at least worth a shot.

    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #24124 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    I have made it a task now. But as told, chances are low that we are able to catch the problem.


    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #24125 Likes: 0
    • Posts 1,215

    I can’t seem to reproduce the exact bug, but I found another bug, which I think is the addon.

    1. Generate landscape
    2. Generate Slope Weight Map
    3. Erode (error + removes weight map)

    In blender, there is a bug as in Bforaritsts. Using the Erode tools either in weight paint or object mode causes a bug due to a vertex group issue. Whatever vertex group that was made is erased then destroyed. But this bug is both true in Blender and the alpha builds of Blender.

    But your specific bug I couldn’t find. Maybe it be best to talk with the addon dev about the issue – he should be able to support custom builds of Blender as much as an official build of Blender.

    Though maybe it’s a version thing:
    I am using 0.1.8 that comes with Bforartists 3.0.0

    What version of the addon are you using? I don’t have the material and erosion panel with the default Blender addon. Maybe the Bforartists addon is out of date, or the one in Blender is a different version.


    #24126 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Ah, Draise hinted me to the solution. It was indeed a problem in our source code. We had renamed Subsurface Radius to Subsurface Radius (R,G,B) by request. And this broke the API. Thanks for remaining persistent 🙂

    I have reverted this change, and now the addon is working again. Please be patient, the fix will come with the next developer build at the end of the week.


    This is my signature. You can change your signature in the profile

    #24128 Likes: 0
    • Posts 3

    Draise, the bug is in the “TXA Landscape” addon, not the “A.N.T. Landscape” addon.

    Thanks for checking, though.

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