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  • #14293 Likes: 0
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    3.3 Editors – UV Image Editor – Page 19

    Here is a thought on the Unwrap menu entry naming conventions, based of the documentation and the way they are – suggeting an alternative below.

    Unwrap ABF
    Useful for organic shapes. Smooths the mesh into a flat surface by cutting along seams.
    Unwrap LSCM
    Useful for non organic shapes. Smooths the mesh into a flat surface by cutting along seams.

    When I started to use this for some unwrapping, I had no idea which was the difference, and less what the accronyms were.

    Later I find the following:

    Angle Based – ABF
    This method gives a good 2D representation of a mesh. Good for organic shape.
    Conformal – LSCM
    Uses LSCM (Least Squared Conformal Mapping). This usually gives a less accurate UV mapping than
    Angle Based, but works better for geometric shape.

    I would like to suggest changing the name to be what they are logicallly: 1. Angle Based Unwrap and 2. Conformal Unwrap OR 1. Organic Unwrap and 2. Geometric Unwrap

    Just thought it would make more artistic sense. Thoughts?


    #17261 Likes: 0
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    Thanks for the suggestion Draise. I am against it though.

    A graphics artist usually knows what LSCM or Angle Based unwrapping is. And when not then you can google the terms. When i change the name then users doesn’t have a chance to google the terms anymore. No good idea.


    #17262 Likes: 0
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    Blender is the first instance of those types of unwrapping terms I’ve heard of, to be honest. I’ve worked in animation for years… I googled it and the first few pages is just Blender results. I don’t think this really is a thing in the industry. As far as I know, Modo is one of the main DCC’s (and not even a popular one) that uses the two methods.. I googled other DCC’s breifly to see if it was a thing, and there usually is only one Unwrap feature.

    I would even consider this a double entry for the Unwrap, and opt to only have the better unwrapping method as the unwrap feature.



    #17263 Likes: 0
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    Adding the need to search the docs and/or google what apparently is a double entry doesn’t make much sense artistically, and more so that the unwrap features is a technical method to unwrapping, instead of a more global single UV unwrap feature.

    Just an alternative suggestion..


    #17264 Likes: 0
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    Maybe there is a simple solution to save the confusion by changing the tooltip. At the moment both are identicle.


    #17265 Likes: 0
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    Hm, i could swear that i had this tooltip fixed already. I remember that i couldn’t separate it, but i think i had added more text. Anyways. We cannot explain the world in the tooltips. That’s impossible.

    The vital part is already there. What it is and what it does. It is a special UV mapping algorithm that unwraps your mesh. And the one gives a bit different results than the other. What else do you  miss?

    #17267 Likes: 0
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    Better? :)

    #17268 Likes: 0
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    That makes more sense. Thanks for this. I’m sure other artists newbies will appreciate it.

    I have started up a 3D generalist animation course that I tutor here in Colombia, so it will make it that much easier to teach someone BFA, while we go through the motions.


    #17269 Likes: 0
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    Oki :)

    The new tooltip will arrive in next Bforartists version :)

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