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  • #25100 Likes: 0
    • Posts 16

    I’m curious does the Blender team or even Ton gave an opinion about BFA? To them are just unwanted drama, a cheap copy, I can’t figure out why they see BFA and say maybe we are getting it wrong? But somehow don’t want to adopt your ideology? I never hear them say anything good or bad about BFA except for the saying nothing about it.

    #25104 Likes: 0
    • Posts 725

    Hey Eric,

    First, when you want to know their opintion, then you should better ask them 🙂

    It was in the beginning all this and more. The sadest part was when some folks started to discredit me as a pedophile, rapist and sex offender to make me quiet and to make sure that nobody joins the project. And there were Blender developers involved too. Which made me quit Blender Artists and the Blender bubble in general then.

    But there was never much public statements about Bforartists from the Blender side. I just know of one, where they stated that the BFA icons does not fit the quality standard for Blender. Which is okay.

    Blender devs wants to develop Blender, so why should they care about other software. And they still have a completely different idea about UI UX design. Like the monochrome Icons. So there is little that we would have to speak. I respect that. And i wish the Blender developers still the best. As a Blender user i still report bugs when i find them. And more is not needed imho. Blender is open source, so everybody can grab the code and continue from there if he is unhappy. Which i did.

    When i started the fork the first thing i did was to contact Ton if he is fine with it and if there is something i should change. And he was fine. And from what i know he is still fine with what we do. That’s more than enough for me. Ton is a great guy and an open source enthusiast, and has my full respect 🙂

    Kind regards


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    #25106 Likes: 0
    • Posts 16

    Well I just wanted the BFA team’s impression of how you are perceived at Blender. If you had a rivalry or just philosophical differences.

    #25107 Likes: 0
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    For me it is not important how i am perceived at Blender. I just mind how i am perceived at Bforartists. And that i can improve the software 🙂

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    #25108 Likes: 1
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    as ton said on his opening remarks in blender conference 2022. blender is free anyone can change it. or make it thier own. and i think bforartist is a biggest competition of blender as a fork.


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    #25109 Likes: 0
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    We are no competition. We are a complement 😉

    We have lots of users who are unhappy with Blender but happy with Bforartists 🙂

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    #25110 Likes: 0
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    I think, having talked to a couple of devs on Devtalk and on Discord, there is a lot more respect and a nod that we exist. They don’t look at our code though. They know we sometimes commit or share reports upstream – which usually is a welcome thing.

    But yeah, rocky beginnings. But peaceful present. Our market share is about 0.8 to 1% of total Blender space. So we are just a blip on the radar.


    #25135 Likes: 0
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    But a happy one 🙂

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    #25206 Likes: 0
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    Indeed!!! Very happy!!!


    #26145 Likes: 0
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    The Blender Foundation hasn’t officially commented on BFA. They may not see it as directly related to their goals, hence the lack of commentary.

    #26147 Likes: 0
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    The Blender team has not officially commented on BFA. Their focus is likely on Blender’s development and community. It’s best to respect their stance on this matter.

    #26148 Likes: 0
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    Yes, they develop Blender 🙂

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