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  • #22297 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Still not solved. I had for a short moment hope. I have installed my old graphics card. And all went fine until the next bsod. So close …

    Tomorrow i will install windows at a new (old) ssd as soon as i hit the next bsod. Then i will remove one of the ram bars, then the other, waiting for the next bsod, and so on. I can even bypass the sound chip, i have a old soundcard. But then comes the expensive part, since i don’t have a motherboard or a power supply to test. Not to speak about the processor. And chances are that the problem is still Windows.

    Asking for support at the Microsoft community failed at my unwillingness to install and use One Drive, but to link the dumps from my server instead. Stupid folks there. But maybe i can ask at another forum instead.

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    #22299 Likes: 0
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    I think i have nailed it down to either the motherboard or the power supply. Given that it is really the hardware. Everything else is either tested to death, or i have tested it with a substitute.

    What i did so far in the last two weeks:

    Googled to death, no luck. The errors can be everything.
    Virus scan. Of course. Windows Defender is running permanently too.
    Hardware tests with more than one tool for all possible components. Ram, processor, graphics card, hard drives.Ran DXDiag, ran sfc /scannow, and so on.
    Installed Windows inplace, porting the old settings and software
    Installed Windows inplace from scratch, without porting anything
    Installed Windows at my second SSD, from scratch. Interesting observation here: it crashed every five minutes. Ways worse than with the original system drive. This one crashes every three to four hours.
    Updated all drivers and flashed the UEFI to the newest version. Had A-XMP off and on here.
    Uninstalled all drivers and reinstalled them one by one.
    Installed studio driver and game ready driver and an older version of the driver at my graphics card.
    Waited for the next windows update in hope that it fixes the issue.

    Posted at the Windows community, as told above.

    Replaced the graphics card by my old one
    Ran the system with just one ram bar at a time
    Had just one of my two hard drives active at a time.
    Had the cooler removed from the processor to check if it is a heat problem with the thermal paste. Had to do this anyways, since one of the ram bars is below the cooler.

    Processor is tested to death. And it crashes no matter if it is under full power or in idle. This means i am currently down to the two told components that i cannot test. Power supply and motherboard. And it can still be Windows. Maybe it has become incompatible with one of my hardware components.

    Searching for a new power supply now. Dunno what to do with the motherboard though. It is just ten months old, and has still warranty. But sending it back without a clear diagnostics can cause two things: warranty rejected, and in worst case months without a motherboard. Not a happy bunny with that. And you surely neither 😀

    I think best is to buy a motherboard first to make clear that it is really the faulty component. But first the power supply.


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    #22300 Likes: 0
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    Just in case that you want to google the errors, here are the current ones.

    This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F3EA0)
    Bugcheck code: 0x1A (0x1011, 0xFFFFF5066481AC20, 0x0, 0xFFFFB496FF889ABB)

    This was probably caused by the following module: dxgkrnl.sys (0xFFFFF8057F0EDA72)
    Bugcheck code: 0x3B (0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF8057F0EDA72, 0xFFFF880B939E1F60, 0x0)

    This was probably caused by the following module: ntfs.sys (0xFFFFF806819D7902)
    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x1E0000001E00, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF806819D7902)

    This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x3F3EA0)
    Bugcheck code: 0xA (0xF, 0x2, 0x1, 0xFFFFF8074B0EA340)

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    #22301 Likes: 0
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    Goddammit, I wrote a bunch of stuff from my quick investigation, then hit back, and didn’t save the text.

    So these errors are related to issues with write to RAM, either by bad RAM seating, voltage, heating, or the culprit driver or configuration of the OS that tries to write to RAM but fails.

    Since you were testing the ram sticks one by one, and doing memtests on each, maybe they still are failing due to the way the board is talking to them. In bios, you could check the voltage allotment, or then maybe it is the power supply. The other is, even with a fresh install and you’ve updated drivers everywhere – there may be a default driver even from a peripheral that could cause the issue to the write to RAM. In this case checking for driver conflicts needs to be done.

    But you may have done all the software and OS driver testing and ram testing, and harddrive testing, so something is up with the voltage since a particular driver or the OS can’t write to RAM correctly causing the BSO. Maybe the SSD’s failing is a symptom of bad voltage also.

    Have you done this to check driver conflicts?
    open cmd or PowerShell and then run “verifier.exe /standard /all”

    Here is a link, one of many, that explains some of the above.


    Have you checked ram voltage allotment to the RAM in the BIOS if you still have access to that?

    Reminds me of one of my last sagas years back.
    1. BSOD, reinstall, still had issue.
    2. did Harddrive checks, Driver and Memory Checks, things checked out.
    3. Ram swap and componant isolation checks. No blue screens, but was only working with slow ram.
    4. Switched back to old faster ram stick, then did a BIOS voltage check, it was badly configured.
    5. Fixed the blue screens for the time being, but got another blue screen later based on graphics – repeated the troubleshooting process
    6. In the process, I took out graphics card and used internal graphics of the motherboard to test
    7. Motherboard graphics was dying and failing, causing more BSOD issues, the warning signs
    8. Switched back to external graphics for the time being, disabled onboard graphics – that mitigated a bit
    9. It was stable a while then the external graphics card died also and the mother board died shortly after, finally. Got a new board and powersupply and new graphics card, fortunately had a client gig that could pay for it, now no problems.

    I think it was possibly the way I had the power supply configured, or power cuts at the time from lightning, or through a bad bios that was hurting everything… With the more expensive component: larger higher grade PSU and new board from another brand with another chipset fixed that up. Later I got new ram after these ones later died also, probably from the bad voltage. Now with all new components, everything went stable with that machine.

    Since it’s multiple codes that are somewhat relevant concerning memory management and write, it might not just be the simple fix for one of the codes.. so.. meh.. thinking out of the box might be needed. No one solution fits all….

    All in all, I have some spare cash on Paypal that I could send you if you need anything for components, just let me know in PM. Hate to see you in this, just wanna help. :good:


    #22302 Likes: 0
    • Posts 727

    Thanks for the ideas Draise. Motherboard is more and more likely the cause. I have already ran verivier.exe a few times now. It always crashed commentless. Nothing was reported, nothing catched. And the UEFI settings are the defaults that worked for ten months just fine.

    And thanks for the offer. But it’s not the money. It’s the hassle that makes me crazy at the moment. That i cannot catch the baddie and that i am slowed down to a crawl. You know the feeling from what you tell here, heh. Buying components into the blue means i can end in a new PC quickly. But i guess there is no other way out here 🙂

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    #22304 Likes: 1
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    To keep you informed, i am waiting for new hardware now. It will most probably arrive in the middle of the week. CPU and motherboard, since i cannot exactly say which one is the cause.

    I am seeing a WHEA error with error id 19 lately flooding the windows event display. And this one points towards a problem in the L2 cache. Can be the processor, but can also be the motherboard not reading the L2 cache proper anymore. And i get black screens now too. So it must be a hardware failure. Fingers crossed 😀

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    #22308 Likes: 0
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    New hardware has arrived. Power supply, motherboard, processor. With the new processor the WHEA errors are finally gone. Fingers crossed that this was the cause …

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    #22309 Likes: 0
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    I really start to cry now. Windows 10 has deactivated itself. The key is tied to the old motherboard, which is not longer there since i have installed a new one.

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    #22310 Likes: 0
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    Ah whaaaat!? Aren’t user serials tied to the microsoft email account? Effing hell.


    #22311 Likes: 0
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    Ah I get it, it must be an OEM license that came with the board. In this case.. maybe registering to the Tech Insider for a free beta tester license is the way to go. It is tied to the microsoft account and they allow you to use one “free” license – it does collect use statistics, but nothing else. You can put the updates to the slow ring, and you usually get the latest of the latest driver updates and bug fixes just before it’s distributed to public, and your feedback is in a vote system or you can actually go to a tracker system. I have been producing with the tech insider program for years now, the slow ring is quite stable.


    #22312 Likes: 0
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    It is solved now. The problem wasn’t even the motherboard, which can also make big trouble. The problem was that Microsoft has invalidated the whole key. Seems that i have activated it one time too often, and so they became aware of it.

    The microsoft tech support told me that it was a volume license key, not meant for single users. I bought the license from a license dealer here. I have contacted this license dealer now, and received a new key. Windows is unlocked again, and everything is running now. Let’s have a look how long this key works this time ^^

    Ah, fun fun fun 😀

    Oh, and it seems that i need a new printer too. HP smart requires a cloud account for the scanner now. No way …

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    #22325 Likes: 0
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    Draise reminded me at this thread here. It was definitely the CPU. Not sure if power supply and mainboard was also involved. They are also new now. But changing the cpu fixed the whea message flood in the windows event display. And the system runs stable now.

    And i also have bought a new printer. This month was an expensive one ^^

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